Scottish Highland Hillwalking


Intermediate Navigation

Scottish Highland Hillwalking

Based in the Ochil hills

This one day course is designed to build the skillset of those with some prior navigational experience.

Category: Hillwalking

Spice Factor: 🌶️

Difficulty: ⛰️

People: Min 3 Max 6

At this time of year it is more important than ever to have the requisite knowledge to look after yourself when venturing out into the hills:

Few would argue that navigation is the most essential skill to master. And with inclement weather and less daylight hours, confidence in your abilities in all weather is a must.


Scottish Highland Hillwalking


This one day course is designed to build on those with some prior navigational experience (if you have been on an “Introduction to Navigation” course with us, then you are perfectly placed for this one!)

This course will build on your existing skillset, weather-proofing existing techniques and introducing more complex navigation skills than the introductory course, such as boxing in, aiming off and aspect of slope interpretation, with greater emphasis on route selection and interpretation on more complex terrain. The course will start and finish later in order to take advantage of low light/poor visibility/night navigation conditions, giving you the confidence to venture out into the hills in autumn when the weather is generally poorer and daylight hours are shorter.

We meet at Pendreich car park in the Ochils to introduce the day and some brief navigational theory. From here we can head straight out onto the hill to delve into the practical aspects. This is a predominantly outdoor, practical day. Please dress and equip yourself for a day on the hills and bring any food and drink you may need. Note that in the evenings, the weather is likely to be cooler, and as visibility and daylight decreases a headtorch will be required. Please dress accordingly.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact me in advance.

Please bring a suitable compass of a type similar to a Silva type 4 marked with degrees, as well as a waterproof map case and a good quality head torch. We will provide all relevant mapping in various scales.

Required Equipment

Included in the course:

  • Item
  • Item
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Not Included:

  • Item

Please note: Any personal harnesses or climbing equipment will be checked as fit for purpose by Dubh Mor staff prior to use.

For safety reasons, only Dubh Mor ropes will be used.

Intermediate Navigation

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Scottish Highland Hillwalking



Bespoke Bookings

Enquire about our Bespoke bookings, thats are fully tailored to your requirements, giving you exactly what you need.

  • Choose your dates
  • Pick your challenge
  • Choose your adventure buddies