Scottish Highland Hillwalking


Scottish Highland Hillwalking

Scrambling Courses in Scotland


Scrambling is a very broad term, covering the “grey area” between walking and climbing.

From narrow sweeping ridges with little technical difficulty but high exposure, to more complex rock ascents where the use of a rope, climbing equipment and techniques such as abseiling may be employed.

The upper end of the scrambling grading spectrum overlaps with the lower end of the rock climbing grading spectrum.

Fitness Grading/Trip Difficulty:

  • Introductory ⛰️ 
    Suitable for beginners or those of limited experience.
  • Challenging ⛰️⛰️
    Previous hillwalking experience and a good level of fitness is desirable.
  • Demanding ⛰️⛰️⛰️ 
    Previous hillwalking experience and good level of fitness required. Prior training (e.g: for Skye Cuillin) may be required to improve confidence and/or fitness.

2A Grading System Of ‘Chillis’ Is Used To Indicate The ‘Spice’ Factor

🌶️ = a logical first progression for those who wish to move beyond hillwalking. The majority of clients will be comfortable without a rope throughout, for all but the most exposed sections. These days allow a larger instructor to client ratio and focus on improving personal scrambling movement skills in a safe environment. (1:6 max)

🌶️🌶️ = a bit more hands on – literally! Expect to use hands more for balance and occasionally upward progress. Some sections will be exposed but the climbing never too hard. These days are typically exposed ridges on big hills such as Liathach. Previous rough walking or scrambling experience beneficial. (1:2 max)

🌶️🌶️🌶️ = Good fitness and a head for heights required. A rope is more than likely to be deployed for some or all of the scrambling, due to exposure or technical difficulty. Hands will be used for upward progress and some steep rock sections may be encountered. Starting to introduce basic climbing components such as belaying and removal of gear. (1:2 max)
🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ = Moving into the realms of serious scrambling (grade 3 and upwards). Verging on rock climbing: in some instances rope, climbing equipment and more advanced techniques such as abseiling may be used. Previous scrambling experience beneficial or required in some cases. (1:2 max)

Scottish Highland Hillwalking

BMC Scotland Climbing


Understanding Scrambling Grades

BMC Scotland Climbing


A Brief Explanation of UK Traditional Climbing Grades